Physical Planning

The Physical Planning Department is established at MMDAs as per Second Schedule of the local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 925)

Objectives of the Establishment of the Physical Planning Departments

1. To provide for the planning and the sustainable development of land and human settlements the District
2. To ensure the judicious use of the land in the district
3. To provide the enabling environment through technical guidance from the land use and spatial Planning and human settlement management functions
4. To preserve and enhance the environment through planting and Proper cultural practices for green plants including shade trees, shrubs and turf grass.
5. To cultivate and promote research, education and development of horticulture.
6. To enhance quality of life through ecosystem services, production of safe and nutritious food Products.

General Functions and Responsibilities of Physical Planning Department

The physical planning department at the MMDA shall:
(a) Advise the District Assembly on national policies on physical planning, land use and Development.
(b) Co-ordinate activities and projects of departments and other agencies including Non-Governmental Organizations to ensure compliance with planning standards;
(c) Prepare spatial plans as a guide for the formation of development policies and decisions in the Districts;
(d) Identify problems concerning the development of land and its social, environmental and economic implications.
(e) Advise on setting and approved plans for the future development of land at the district level.
(f) Collaborate with the Survey and Mapping Division of Lands Commission in the performance of its function.
(g) Facilitate and participate in research and public education in planning and human settlement development in the District.
(h) Advise on preparations of structure plans for towns and village within the district.
(i) Assist to offer professional advice to aggrieved persons on appeals and petitions on decisions made on their building.
(j) Facilitate consultation, co-ordination and harmonization of developmental decisions into a physical development plan.
(k) Assist to prepare a District Land-Use Plan to guide activities in the district.
(l) Advise on the conditions for the construction of the public and private buildings and structures.
(m) Assist to provide a layout for the buildings for improved housing layout and settlement.
(n) Ensure the prohibition of the construction of new buildings unless building plans submitted have been approved by the assembly.
(o) Advise and facilitate the demolition of dilapidated buildings and recovery of expenses incurred in connection with the demolition.
(p) Advise the Assembly on the siting of bill boards, masts and ensure compliance with the decisions of the Assembly.
(q) Advise on the acquisition of landed property in the public interest; and
(r) Undertake street addressing and related issues.


1. Obtain certified site plan to Check Land Use Zoning of the plot to determine if the intended purpose meets the approved plan/ purpose of the Assemble Local Scheme.

2. Obtain Good title or any document as proof of ownership of the Plot/Land.

3. The following may also be required for multi-user and multi-level developments (3-storey and above/ commercial facility)

Environmental Protection Agency Permit (EPA).

-Fire Permit by Ghana National Fire Service. Soil Investigation -Report - Hydrological Report

- Structure Integrity Report-if

-structure is already Existing

Traffic Impact Assessment Report (Certified Engineer)

- Air Safety Permit (if site is at Aviation Zone Area)

- Petroleum License by National Petroleum Authority


The Physical Planning Director / Municipal Work Engineer for

Compliance and Technical Guidance before submission of documents.

1. PLANNING PERMIT - Use or change of use parcel of land (rezoning)
- Orientation of physical development
Size and plot of sewage
Sub-division of land
Consolidation of land
- Physical accessibility to facilities Temporary structures
- Minimum facility requirements

Building or structure permit except those exempted by law Making structure alteration and or transformation (renovation) to a building.

- Installation of any fittings on a building
- Installation of any fitting on a building
- Hoarding of a properly.
3. TEMPORARY STRUCTURE PERMIT -Short term structure not permanent Directional and informational signages. 4.REGULARIZATION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES/BUILDING - Structures developed without permit (this requires structural integrity report)

Members of the General Public are reminded that buildings without approved Development and Building permits contravenes the express provision of the local Governance Act 2016 Act (936) with amendment (Act 940) and the TWMA Bye-Law.

The Assembly would therefore like to notify all persons and companies who have constructed structures and building within the Tema West Municipality without the Approved Building Permits that they shall be fined before regularization. Developers without the Approved Building Permits are hereby advice to pay the approved penalties within 21-days to avoid being sanctioned by the Assembly.

ALL DEVELOPERS who have put up structures without permit shall have the following fines imposed on their developments as PENALTY.

BUILDILDING OFFENSES AND ITS PENALTY FEES Penalty for development without permit (Minimum 500 penalty Units, Maximum 1000 penalty Units and above depending on the type of Project)

Penalty for unauthorized placement of Temporary Structure: (Minimum 100 penalty Units, Maximum 500 penalty Units and above depending on type of structure and location)

Penalty for occupying newly completed development without occupancy (Habitation) Certificate (Minimum 500 penalty Units, Maximum 1000 penalty Units and above depending on the type of Project)